About the Exhibition
18ARC 2023 offers 18 boths in the exhibition hall.
- Two sizes are available, 5m x 2m and 3m x 2m.
- The exhibit Hall and Foyer are adjacent to the main conference rooms.
- The conference coffee breaks will be held in the exhibition area & the foyer.
- In addition to dedicated exhibit time and opening and closing special events.
- To commit to a sponsorship or exhibition opportunity, please check the option(s) that interest you and complete the attached form.
- Please note that some sponsorships are limited and are on a first-come first-serve basis.
- All sponsors and exhibitors must email a high-resolution print ready logo for use on printed material.
- Rate mentioned are in DA.

- Pre-booking for ALGEOS members – preferences from a maximum of 3 booths: open until June 05, 2024, assignment of space by June 15, 2024, deadline for payment June 30, 2024
- Bookings open for all interested companies – assignment of space based on first come first serve. Payment within 2 weeks of space assignment.