The Advisory Committee
Marawan Shahien
Vice-President of the ISSMGE for Africa 2022-2026 (Chair of advisory committee)
- Marc Ballouz -
President of the ISSMGE 2022-2026
- Charles Ng - Charles Ng - Immediate Past-President of the ISSMGE 2017-2022
- Etienne Marcelin Chana -
Immediate Vice-President of the ISSMGE for Africa 2017-2022
- Andrew McNamara -
- Secretary General of the ISSMGE
- Ramdane Bahar - President of ALGEOS
- Abdelmalek Bekkouche - Vice-President of ALGEOS
- Denis Kalumba -
Chair of the XVII Conference Organizing Committee
- Samuel Ampadu -
Kwame Nkumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
- Fatma Baligh - University of Helouan (Egypt)
- Mounir Bouassida - ENIT, Tunisia
- Samuel Uche Ejezie -
– University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
- Carlos Quaddros -